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pet leash

Going out for a walk with your pet: we all know that the leash is an essential tool for animal owners, isn't it? Leashes come in many forms; standard leashes, retractable (and/or flexi) leashes, and harnesses to name a few. The standard leash is a simple and most straightforward selection; whereas the retractable one will allow your pet to move around more but might require controlling it especially in crowded places. Conversely, the harness is great for dogs who pull on their walk as it really spreads out excerted pressure across their entire body.

After you have chosen the right leash for your dog, it is important that they get used to it over time. Start by putting the leash on your pet indoors for them to get used with wearing it comfortably. Next, work your way to short walks outside extending the time as much as they can get used to walking on a leash.

Quiet location for enjoyable walks

Choose a quiet, distraction-free location for your walks to ensure that you and your four-legged friend have an enjoyable experience. Making sure that the leash is short and your pet remains at either side or just behind you, a method called heeling will lead to proper walking etiquette. Along this line, make sure to offer treats, praise or quick interaction play time for proper behavior during walks.

A good pet leash extends beyond safety and can help with exercise and socializaion This will allow you to walk your pet safely in crowded places and not run the risk of it getting lost or wandering around some unknown place. In addition to keeping your pet active and healthy, regular walks also offer built-in socializing with other people and pets.

Why choose IVY pet leash?

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