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product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-33

Transportador de mascotas

casa >  Artigo de mascota >  Transportador de mascotas

Transportín portátil cómodo para mascotas Transportín para gatos y cans Bolsa para mascotas con alfombrilla suave para animales pequeños impermeable

product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-46
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-47
Pet Cat Dog Transportador
43 * 25 * 28cm
bolsa de opp ou para personalizar
Opción de cor
para ser personalizado 
Rosa, negro, gris, etc
Descrición e característica
* O noso transportín para mascotas está deseñado para o confort e a seguridade das pequenas mascotas, con múltiples aberturas e ventás de malla transpirable para un fluxo de aire e unha visibilidade óptimos.
* Equipado cun forro suave e acolledor, este transportín garante unha viaxe cómoda para a túa mascota, tanto se viaxa en coche como se leva ao ceo.
* Cunhas dimensións coidadosamente elaboradas para caber baixo a maioría dos asentos das compañías aéreas, o transportista fai que voe coa túa mascota sen problemas, mide aproximadamente 17.5 "de lonxitude e 11.5" de altura.
* Construído con materiais de alta calidade, o transportista está construído para durar e conta con cremalleiras seguras e unha correa de ombreiro axustable para facilitar o transporte.
* O noso portabebés inclúe petos para almacenar golosinas e produtos esenciais, e se pliega para un almacenamento cómodo cando non está en uso, o que o converte nunha opción ideal para os propietarios de mascotas en movemento.
Detalles do produto
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-48
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-49
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-50
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-51
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-52
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-53
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-54
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-55
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-56
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-57
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-58
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-59
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-60
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-61
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-62
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-63
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-64
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-65
P1: Cal é o MOQ? A1: O MOQ é de 50 unidades P2: Cales son as condicións de pago A2: TT, PayPal, L/C P3: aceptas deseño personalizado?
A3: Si, os deseños personalizados e as etiquetas son benvidos. P4: Que tal o período de garantía de calidade? A4: Tres meses despois de recibir un bo P5: Cando envías o meu pedido? A5: aproximadamente 45 días despois de recibir o pago
product comfortable portable pet carrier cat dog carrier pet bag with soft mat for small animals waterproof-66