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product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-33

Cortina de baño

casa >  Artigo de bebé >  Artigos de baño >  Cortina de baño

Cortina de ducha sen ganchos con textura de poliéster con forro a presión

product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-46
Nome do produto:
Cortina de ducha sen ganchos con textura de poliéster con forro a presión
183 * 190CM
Igual que a imaxe ou cor personalizada
Tipo de tecido:
Use a:
cortina de ducha de baño
- Burato - instalación libre: Moitas cortinas de ducha usan barras telescópicas, ganchos, succión magnética, etc. Non é necesario perforar a parede, evitando danos na parede. Fácil de instalar e quitar, ideal para alugueres ou aqueles que se resisten a renovar moito o baño.
-Excelente impermeabilización: Bloquea eficazmente as salpicaduras de auga durante as duchas, separa as zonas húmidas das secas, mantén o resto do
o baño seco e reduce o risco de escorregar por charcos.
- Protección da privacidade: As cortinas de ducha debuxadas crean un espazo privado, permitindo aos bañistas gozar da ducha con facilidade.
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-47
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-48
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-49
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-50
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-51
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-52
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-53
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-54
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-55
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-56
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-57
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-58
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-59
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-60
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-61