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product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-33

Cortina de baño

casa >  Artigo de bebé >  Artigos de baño >  Cortina de baño

Cortina de ducha con fruncidos para baño al por mayor Cortina de baño con fruncidos de poliéster con 12 ojales 6 cores

Descrición dos produtos
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-46
Nome do produto:
Cortina de ducha con fruncidos para baño al por mayor Cortina de baño con fruncidos de poliéster con 12 ojales 6 cores
liño de algodón
moitos deseños de stock para a súa elección
Use a:
91x183cm; 137x183cm; 152x183cm; 183x183cm
Embalado nunha bolsa de plástico, tarxeta de papel ou caixa de papel
* Esta cortina de ducha deseñada con "Split Rings" que che permiten colgalas facilmente. Non é necesario comprar ganchos e non é necesario quitar a vara
* Unha fiestra transparente na parte superior deixa entrar a luz e permítelle ver fóra mantendo a privacidade
* Calidade do hotel: a cortina de ducha e o forro están feitos con tecido de alta calidade, pesado para mantelo no seu lugar. O tratamento repelente á auga pode repeler a auga dentro da bañeira
exposición do produto
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-47
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-48
Detalles do produto
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-49
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-50
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-51
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-52
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-53
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-54
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-55
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-56
Máis produtos
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-57
Técnica de fabricación
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-58
Perfil da compañía
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-59
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-60
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-61
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-62
product wholesale bathroom ruching shower curtain ruched polyester fancy handcrafted bath curtain with 12 buttonholes 6 colors-63