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product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-33

Nuovo design lavabile Waffle Hotel bianco senza ganci in poliestere testurizzato tenda da doccia senza ganci con fodera a scatto

product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-46
Nome del prodotto:
Nuovo design lavabile Waffle Hotel bianco senza ganci in poliestere testurizzato tenda da doccia senza ganci con fodera a scatto
183 * 190CM
Uguale all'immagine o al colore personalizzato
Tipo di tessuto:
Utilizzare per:
tenda da doccia per il bagno
- Installazione senza foro: Molte tende da doccia utilizzano aste telescopiche, ganci, ventose magnetiche, ecc. per un montaggio senza fori. Non c'è bisogno di forare il muro, evitando danni al muro. Facile da installare e rimuovere, ideale per gli affittuari o per chi è riluttante a rinnovare ampiamente il bagno.
-Eccellente impermeabilizzazione: Blocca efficacemente gli schizzi d'acqua durante la doccia, separa le aree bagnate da quelle asciutte, mantiene il resto dell'acqua
il bagno è asciutto e si riducono i rischi di scivolamento nelle pozzanghere.
- Tutela della privacy: Le tende da doccia tirate creano uno spazio privato, consentendo ai bagnanti di godersi la doccia in tutta tranquillità.
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-47
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-48
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-49
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-50
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-51
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-52
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-53
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-54
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-55
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-56
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-57
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-58
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-59
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-60
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-61