

product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-33

lovely Pet Tent Bed Dog Cat Tent Indoor Waterproof Breathable Outdoor Pet Tent Suitable for Cat Puppy Bunny and Small Animal 대한민국

product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-46
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-47
개/고양이 텐트 침대
S, M, L, XL
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색상 옵션
핑크, 그린 또는 사용자 정의 가능 
300의 개
설명 및 특징
 완벽한 크기: S, M, L, XL, 고양이와 소형, 중형견에게 적합하며, 새끼 고양이와 강아지에게 편안한 둥지를 제공합니다.
실내 실외: 이 반려동물 텐트는 방수가 되어 있고 야외 장면에 완벽하게 대응할 수 있어 반려견과 캠핑하기에 완벽합니다. 또한 안뜰, 잔디밭, 정원 또는 집의 어느 방에도 설치할 수 있습니다.
편리한 보관:조립이 간편하고, 폴을 연결해서 텐트를 고정하기만 하면 됩니다(분해할 때는 먼저 바닥에 있는 두 개의 작은 구멍으로 폴이 나오는지 확인하세요). 보관이 간편하고, 공간을 절약할 수 있으며, 세탁기 세척이 가능합니다.
통기성 소재: 통기성이 좋은 옥스포드 천과 메시를 조합하여 만들어졌으며, 매우 부드럽고 통기성이 좋아, 작은 반려동물이 집 안에 있는 동안 공기 순환이 좋습니다.
다양성:개, 고양이, 토끼, 돼지 등 20파운드 이하의 소형 및 중형 애완동물에 적합
제품 상세 정보
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-48
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-49
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-50
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-51
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-52
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-53
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-54
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-55
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-56
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-57
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-58
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-59
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-60
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-61
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-62
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-63
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-64
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-65
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-66
자주 하는 질문
Q1: MOQ는 무엇입니까? A1: MOQ는 50pcs입니다 Q2: 지불 조건은 무엇입니까 A2 : TT, 페이팔, L/C Q3: 맞춤 디자인을 허용합니까?
A3: 네, 맞춤형 디자인과 라벨을 환영합니다! Q4 : 품질 보증 기간은 어떻습니까? A4: 당신이 좋은 것을 받은 후 XNUMX개월 Q5: 언제 주문을 배송합니까? A5: 지불을 받은 후 약 45일
product lovely pet tent bed dog cat tent indoor waterproof  breathable outdoor pet tent suitable for cat puppy bunny and small animal-67