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product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-33

Cortina de Banho

Inìcio >  Artigo para bebê >  Itens de banho >  Cortina de Banho

Novo design lavável waffle hotel branco sem gancho poliéster texturizado cortina de chuveiro sem gancho com encaixe no forro

product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-46
Nome do produto:
Novo design lavável waffle hotel branco sem gancho poliéster texturizado cortina de chuveiro sem gancho com encaixe no forro
183 * 190CM
Igual à imagem ou cor personalizada
Tipo de tecido:
Use para:
cortina de chuveiro de banheiro
- Instalação sem furos: Muitas cortinas de chuveiro usam hastes telescópicas, ganchos, sucção magnética, etc. para instalação sem furos. Não há necessidade de furar a parede, evitando danos à parede. Fácil de instalar e remover, ideal para locatários ou aqueles relutantes em reformar o banheiro extensivamente.
-Excelente impermeabilização: Bloqueia eficazmente os respingos de água durante os chuveiros, separa as áreas molhadas e secas e mantém o resto do
banheiro seco e reduz riscos de escorregamento em poças d'água.
-Proteção de privacidade: Cortinas de chuveiro fechadas criam um espaço privativo, permitindo que os banhistas aproveitem o banho com facilidade.
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-47
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-48
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-49
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-50
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-51
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-52
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-53
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-54
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-55
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-56
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-57
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-58
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-59
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-60
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-61