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product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-33

Multifunkčná rozšíriteľná vodeodolná sieťovina a viditeľná taška na prenášanie zvierat v PVC dizajne s kolieskami Pohodlné cestovanie na mäkkej strane Slovensko

product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-46
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-47
Nosiči psov
Polyester + sieťovina 
M: 34*29*43M
1 ks v PE vrecku

Popis a funkcia
 1. Vyberte si, či budete svojho domáceho maznáčika nosiť pohodlne a jednoducho na chrbte ALEBO vpredu s otvorenými hornými dvierkami, aby váš maznáčik mohol nasledovať, kam idete, ALEBO pomocou rukovätí ALEBO výmenou za nosič na plece – všetky popruhy sú odnímateľné
2.600 4 Denier Oxford vodeodolná tkanina so zosilnenými zipsami a zámkami. XNUMX Vysoko kvalitné sieťky na zaistenie maximálneho vzduchu
vetranie pre vášho domáceho maznáčika. Bezpečnostné zámky zabraňujú tomu, aby váš maznáčik roztlačil zipsy. Zaistite nosič v aute s
pútka bezpečnostných pásov. Zložte na približne 2 palce pre ľahké skladovanie
3.Photo ID pre majiteľa a domáceho maznáčika pre ľahké rozpoznanie počas vašich ciest. Zaistite svojho domáceho maznáčika vnútorným vodítkom, aby sa tak nestalo
uniknúť, keď sú dvere otvorené.
4. Reflexné popruhy pre nočné cestovanie, turistiku, vykladanie z auta, kabíny, autobusu atď. Priechodné dvere: Nie je potrebné tlačiť vášho domáceho maznáčika
alebo ho vytiahnite dozadu - Jednoducho nechajte svojho domáceho maznáčika vstúpiť a odísť. Vynikajúce ako vaše domáce zvieratá na dovolenke mimo domova
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-48
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-49
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-50
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-51
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-52
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-53
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-54
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-55
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-56
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-57
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-58
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-59
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-60
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-61
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-62
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-63
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-64
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-65
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-66
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-67
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-68
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-69
Q1: Aké je MOQ? A1: MOQ je 500 kusov Q2: Aké sú platobné podmienky A2: TT, PayPal, L/C Q3: Prijímate vlastný dizajn?
A3: Áno, vlastné návrhy a štítky sú vítané! Q4: A čo záručná doba kvality? A4: Tri mesiace po tom, čo ste dostali dobro Q5: Kedy odošlete moju objednávku? A5: Približne 45 dní po prijatí platby
product multifunctional expandable water resistant mesh and visible pvc design pet carrier bag with wheel soft sided comfort travel-70