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product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-33

Nový obľúbený hotelový dom Kúpeľňa Jednofarebné sprchové závesy Polyesterové kúpeľňové závesy s ruchovaním s háčikmi

Popis produktov
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-46
Meno Produktu:
Nový obľúbený hotelový dom Kúpeľňa Jednofarebné sprchové závesy Polyesterové kúpeľňové závesy s ruchovaním s háčikmi
bavlnené plátno
veľa skladových vzorov podľa vášho výberu
Použiť pre:
91x183cm; 137x183cm; 152x183cm; 183x183cm
Balené v sáčku, papierovej karte alebo papierovej škatuľke
* This shower curtain designed with "Split Rings" that let you hang them easily. No need to buy hooks and no need to remove the rod
* A clear window along the top lets light in and allows you to see out while maintaining privacy
* Hotel Quality: The shower curtain and liner are made with high quality Fabric, heavy weight to keep it in place. Water repellent treatment can repel the water inside tub
Zobrazenie produktu
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-47
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-48
Detaily produktu
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-49
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-50
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-51
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-52
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-53
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-54
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-55
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-56
Viac produktov
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-57
Výrobná technika
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-58
firemný profil
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-59
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-60
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-61
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-62
product new popular hotel home bath room solid color shower curtains polyester bath curtains with ruching with hooks-63