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product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-33

Yeni Tasarım Yıkanabilir Waffle Otel Beyaz Kancasız Polyester Dokulu Kancasız Duş Perdesi Astarlı Çıtçıtlı

product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-46
Ürün Adı:
Yeni Tasarım Yıkanabilir Waffle Otel Beyaz Kancasız Polyester Dokulu Kancasız Duş Perdesi Astarlı Çıtçıtlı
183 * 190CM
Resim veya Özelleştirilmiş Renk ile aynı
Kumaş Türü:
İçin kullanmak:
banyo duş perdesi
- Deliksiz - ücretsiz kurulum: Birçok duş perdesi, deliksiz kurulum için teleskopik çubuklar, kancalar, manyetik emiş vb. kullanır. Duvara delik açmaya gerek kalmaz, böylece duvar hasarı önlenir. Kurulumu ve çıkarılması kolaydır, kiracılar veya banyoyu kapsamlı bir şekilde yenilemek istemeyenler için idealdir.
-Mükemmel su yalıtımı: Duş sırasında su sıçramasını etkili bir şekilde engeller, ıslak ve kuru alanları ayırır, geri kalanını temiz tutar.
Banyoyu kuru tutar ve su birikintilerinden kaynaklanan kayma riskini azaltır.
-Gizlilik koruması: Çekilmiş duş perdeleri, duş alanların rahat bir şekilde duş almalarını sağlayarak özel bir alan yaratır.
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-47
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-48
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-49
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-50
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-51
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-52
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-53
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-54
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-55
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-56
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-57
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-58
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-59
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-60
product new design washable waffle hotel white no hook polyester textured hookless shower curtain with snap in liner-61